

Shamanism is our most ancient art-form, philosophy, healing system and science. It has been practised for a least 40 000 years, although could stretch back to 400,000. It is still practised by indigenous tribes around the world today.

Shamanism cleaves its wisdom from the natural world that we see and feel all around us all the time. The unseen realms that reveal themselves, in dreams, in vision and when we step into alternate states of consciousness.


It is, without doubt, the most time-tested system for healing our environment and ourselves.


Using the beat and rhythm of the Shaman’s drum and always working closely with our personal tutelary spirits; we can access these alternate realities to bring back healing, power and information.


Everything through the shaman’s eye is connected and although part of the whole is alive with its own spirit.


It is through this spirit that the shaman and the initiate can communicate with beings from all the realms, elemental, vegetal, mineral, animal, human or mythological.


Through our intention and attention, we can access this world of spirit, receiving answers to the questions we have and request for healing.


Shamanic work is a powerful practice that is accessible to all. It is direct access to Spirit.



By dropping into Shamanic States you can access alternate states of consciousness & transmute any blocked energy into a source of empowerment. An opportunity to dive inside yourself, without external distractions we are able to tune into our soul essence.


Whether presenting with physical, emotional, mental or spiritual questions or limitations, Shamanism can help to dissolve the layers and help you to see clearly again.

 “Everything is energy and energy is always in motion. Shamanism is a practice that is close to my heart, through this medium I have connected with a rich source of comfort and a sense of belonging.

Journeying within the shamanic realms enables a deep resting, instilling a sense of reverence for the natural world and all its inhabitants, as well as developing a relationship with multi-dimensional aspects of myself.

The one thing that strikes me most about Shamanism is that in all our histories we can trace our ancestry back to a time when we were practising Shamanism in our day to day life. This is a given; the only fact in question is how far back we must go and this will depend on our ancestral roots.

This means that shamanism lies deep in our bones and is available to tune into should our hearts desire to lead us there”.


Journeying within the shamanic realms enables a deep resting, instilling a sense of reverence for the natural world and all its inhabitants, as well as developing a relationship with multi-dimensional aspects of myself”.



The beauty of Shamanism is that it doesn’t believe in prolonging dependency on outside intervention.


It encourages us to take charge of our own healing and insights, using ceremony, prayer and intention journeying on both the inner and outer landscapes.

Private 1-2-1 Sessions


Rebecca has tailored her 1-2-1 work to gain maximum results in the shortest amount of Sessions she does not believe in prolonging dependency on outside intervention, instead, she encourages each client to take charge of their own healing, so has devised several packages depending on your needs. 


1-2-1 work can involve different aspects of Shamanic work the core of which are listed below.

Rebecca offers a free 30 minute online consultation to ensure your compatibility and for you to experience Shamanic session work.

Click the more information button to read more about the individual sessions on offer.